Bianca Marshal is an incurably romantic bookworm from Appalachia who’s holding out for the perfect husband. She doesn’t want much, just that he be (1) a true believer in Jesus Christ (2) devastatingly handsome with a slightly wild look in his eyes (3) brilliant and humorous like Mark Twain (4) a foreigner, possibly a disgruntled duke (5) able to quote Bible verses AND Shakespeare (6) a more than capable kisser, and (7) adore her completely.
Finding a man that meets the requirements of “the list” in the foothills of the Appalachians has proven impossible. Bianca’s mama insists that there’s no such thing as a perfect true love, and that Bianca’s ideal man is pure fiction. On the eve of her twenty-fifth birthday, Bianca discovers a devastating statistic. Her chance of marrying is now only eighteen percent. But the “S” word—spinsterhood—is not something she’s willing to accept. She’s going to prove the statistics and her mama wrong. Bianca wins an essay contest that propels her into a whirlwind search for the perfect romantic hero. Via the opulence of London and the mysteries of the Holy Land, Bianca’s true love will be revealed, but not without a price that might be too heavy to pay. Purchase the book HERE.

Brandy fell in love with the Victorian time period at a young age, loving the customs, manners, and especially the intricate rules of love. Since time travel is theoretically impossible, she lives in the nineteenth century vicariously through her novels. Unaccountable amounts of black tea have fueled this ambition. Brandy hopes to avoid a similar fate as the writer, Honoré de Balzac, who met his death via caffeine poisoning. At this point, the balance may not be tipped in her favor. Brandy’s love of tea can only be paralleled by her love of Masterpiece Theater Classics, deep conversations, and a good book.
Brandy’s novels explore the hard questions, real emotions, and the complicated areas in life. She endeavors to represent the high calling of storytelling in a true and honest way, following wherever God leads. At the end of her career as a writer (which won’t be anytime soon) Brandy wants to be able to feel that she’s written as authentically as possible. She also wants to be able to reread the stories she’s written and find they still make her laugh and cry.
Brandy has been changed with the writing of each novel. She once heard a quote, “We write best what we seek most to understand.” Believing this to be true, she feels blessed to be able to explore her own questions, and honored to explore the questions of others. Along the complicated road called life, Brandy hopes the romances she writes will make someone’s journey a little easier. She looks forward to all the stories to come. Learn more about Brandy and her writing HERE.