Spring Break Memories

We're on Spring Break this week, and I can't keep from reflecting back to years past when the girls were little. The first day of spring break was always such a joyous time in our house, and we always celebrated with a picnic lunch (even if it was too cold out and we laid a blanket out on the living room floor). But most times, it was nice enough to have a picnic on the porch or on the fort. 

The girls would always make such a fuss over the food in their lunch pail, and usually it  was no more than a peanut butter sandwich, chips, and maybe some fruit, or a cookie. But it was delightful to them. 

These days, we still celebrate spring, but I have to admit, I'm looking forward to making sack lunches for my little grandbabies, and playing with them on the fort. Time goes by so quickly. Be sure to enjoy the moments . . .