As you probably know, I adore the Flint Hills of Kansas, and because this book sets the tone for the entire series, I wanted to give my readers a chance to see and fall in love with the hills themselves.
My first opportunity to do so occurred at the Lighting M Ranch when Mattie visits John McCray to discuss the injuries of his son's horse. While there, he invites her to ride out in the pasture and look at a sick heifer. She rides one of his mares and enjoys the scenery on her return to the ranch. Meanwhile, Gil is flying over the ranch in a private Cessna and lands on the neighbor's airstrip.
In these two scenes I allow readers to see the hills from horseback but also give them an areal view of the rock embedded pastures. If you haven't done so already, you may READ THE FIRST FEW CHAPTERS HERE. Next time, I'll share another favorite scene about Gil's real estate search in California.