The Hobbit, A Royal Wedding, and Carrie Underwood

My family and I love watching a good movie, one of them being The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Last week we learned that the filming of The Hobbit is now in production. We've been waiting for this moment ever since the Return of the King came out in 2003. Lord of the Rings and Tolkien fans can stay updated on filming progress on The Hobbit Blog.

And while we don't often watch scheduled programing on TV, (mostly due to our limited 5 channels) this past Friday, we tuned in to watch The Royal Wedding, which was broadcast throughout the day. It was such fun to watch Prince William marry Kate, and we pray their marriage will be blessed with happiness. All that Royal Wedding coverage made us hungry for more, so we popped in a Princess Diaries DVD to help satisfy our craving.

Prior to Easter, we watched a program called Girls Night Out, featuring top female country recording stars. The highlight of that show occurred when Vince Gil sang Carrie Underwood's first release, Jesus Take the Wheel. He then accompanied Miss Underwood in a breath-taking performance of How Great Thou Art, which garnered a standing ovation from the crowd before she even finished. If you happened to miss it, you can view it below. Be blessed and have a terrific Monday!