Our goats are growing, the little stinkers. They are now five months old and getting along really well on the lead rope.
I'm loving my spring flowers -- pink geraniums, purple petunias, pansies, pink and red impatiens, lavender, coreopsis, and blue bachelor's buttons. Plus my roses have started to bloom, so now I'm enjoying those colorful blooms as well.
Last weekend we enjoyed our first wiener roast of the season. It's always fun to roast hot dogs over the fire . . .
and then enjoy a burnt marshmallow or two.
(Yep, she's probably going to scream when she sees I've posted this one. LOL. But that's what loving mothers are for.)

Trivia question: Did you know you could spell wiener two ways? Either ie or ei. Both are correct. Thought you might like to know that. Have a great Monday!