My First Official Reading Group Visit
This past Saturday, I had my first official reading group visit with some ladies from Lindsborg, Kansas. They had all read my book and wanted to meet me and talk about my characters, my writing of the Seasons of the Tallgrass series, and my life as a writer. Because we were going to meet in the middle somewhere, I suggested Cottonwood Falls, (the town that I losely base my fictional town of Diamond Falls).
We ate lunch at the Emma Chase Cafe, and while there I learned that Emma's Friday Night Music Event had been selected as One of the Eight Wonders of Kansas Customs. It was so much fun visiting these gals and making new friends! If you belong to a reading group, I would love to visit your group, either in person or by phone--or at the very least, I would be happy to send you some promotional items. Later this week, I'll post some pictures from our drive through the Flint Hills. Blessings to you!
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Reading Groups