1. My husband and I married on Valentine's Day. In an ice storm. Almost 20 years ago.
2. I began playing the piano when I was 7 years old and taught piano lessons for 12 years.
3. I enjoy baking, sewing and scrapbooking.
4. When I was 14 years old, I jumped off a runaway horse and broke my wrist and arm. Didn't get back on until I was 30 years old.
5. My love for the Kansas Flint Hills began while I was in college at Emporia State University.
6. My husband's family and mine all live within 25 miles of each other.
7. I grew up in the itty-bitty rural community of Galesburg, KS. Population 150
Seven people I'm passing this award to:
1. Lisa Harris - My Blog in the Heart of Africa
2. Tamera Alexander - Write Perspectives
3. Beth Goddard - The Write Message
4. Julane Hiebert - Inspiration from the Common Place
5. Debbie Lyons-Blythe - Life on a Cattle Ranch
6. Deb - Homespun Living
7. Steph Martin - My Country Haven

The next award came from Lee Smith (And no, I don't think Lee & Bill are related.). The rules for this blog award were to accept and post the award on your blog and then pass it on to 15 more bloggers. That's a bit much for me, but I'm happy to pass it on to one dear friend who is a lovely lady and has a lovely blog ~ Rhonda Gibson.