Cottonwood Falls, KS - Situated in the heart of the Flint Hills is the small town of Cottonwood Falls. This is the town I've based as the setting for my 4-book proposed series Seasons of the Tallgrass. It's fictional name ~ Diamond Falls. Here are a few fun facts about Historic Cottonwood Falls, Chase County, Kansas:
- Settled in 1856 and located in the Flint Hills overlooking a fall in the Cottonwood River
- Has the oldest operating courthouse west of the Mississippi, 1873
- Chase County National Bank Building (1882), now the Chase County Historical Society Museum
- Roniger Native American Museum
- Spring Hill Ranch (1884) site of the Z-Bar Ranch/Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve
- Hosts the Prairie Fire Festival in April, celebrating the time when the "hills are set on fire in anticipation of the new bluestem grass of spring."
- Hosts the Flint Hills FolkLife Festival in June
- Home to the Emma Chase Cafe - a place were a wide variety of musical events occur, including Tall Grass Pickers, Gospel, Rock & Roll and special breakfasts