Saving Grace
Eight years ago, I formed and managed a group of youth singers who called themselves "Saving Grace." We were together for five years. During that time, we learned a host of contemporary praise songs along with a few gospel hymns, and we traveled around southeast Kansas singing and glorifying God with our music. Some of the places we attended were various churches, community events, and even the Kansas State Fair where we performed three different times. In those years, we managed to purchase our own singing equipment and our last year together we recorded a music CD of our favorite songs. We also ate a lot of pizza and had some fun roadtrips.

I watched these girls grow from gangly teens to beautiful, God-honoring women. This last month, we had a reunion concert at a local church. It was a lot of fun getting together again, and amazing enough, the music and words came back to everyone with little effort. Pictured here are group members: Maggie, Stevi, Abbey, Andi and Sara. (Kerri & Samantha were unable to join us.) Thank you girls, and may God grant you happiness in His care all the days of your lives. Let's do this again soon!